Senate Report September 11, 2020

  1. The CCFT Executive Board has discussed a tentative budget for 2020-21 with reassigned time and estimated legal costs. The final budget will go to the Council next week via email to be able to report the reassign times for Spring to the District by September 15. We have had a “peace dividend” with lower legal fees recently.
  2. The cost of reassigned time has been shifted to the District beginning this semester. There is only 0.2 FTE ( $11,000) not covered by the new 1.8 FTE that we obtained in negotiations. We have requested`funding from CFT to cover that balance. We need to advise the District by September 15 about the SPRING reassigned time.
  3. The EB sent a letter to the membership to arrive last Monday. I hope that you received it. AFT provided VOTE stickers and custom face masks for our members.
  4. At a webinar I attended on Wednesday September 9, Secretary of State Alex Padilla requested that everyone check on for the accuracy of your registered address. Everyone will receive a ballot sent to their registered address beginning the first week of October. The deadline to register is October 19. Counties begin preparing ballots 1 month ahead, but do not begin counting until after polls close.
  5. The EB has fielded many questions regarding workload issues including access to restrooms, technology, compensation for upgrading wifi connection, and legal considerations surrounding the online classroom being recorded. We obtained legal advice for the latter.
  6. CCFT has begun its political endorsement effort for this fall. Both AFT and CFT are sending voter commitment cards to vote Yes on Prop 15. We have endorsed and contributed to the campaigns of Heidi Harmon, Dawn Addis and Mary Strobridge. The Central Coast Labor Council has endorsed these three plus many local candidates for Boards and City Councils. At my request, CFT has added Mary Strobridge to the statewide voter guide.
  7. I attended a CFT staff meeting this week where the state budget was discussed. The Hero’s Act looks DOA, Prop 15 is on the ballot, and the Billionaires tax did not make it out of the legislature. So no funding relief on the horizon.

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