PT Faculty can get compensated for their work on Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) such as entering them into eLumen. Here’s a link to the form. Thank-you to CCFT secretary Julie Rose Hoffman for making this available as a fillable PDF! This compensation is outlined in the contract in article 4.19 page 8.
These pay options you can choose on the form:
- Temporary Faculty Load up to 19.9% = .5 hours per semester
- Temporary Faculty Load up to 20% – 39.9% = 1.0 hours per semester
- Temporary Faculty Load up to 39.9% – 67% = 1.5 hours per semester
The pay rate is on the form and is at D-07 (lab/hourly pay) and as of this update is $62.59/hour pay rate. The form also requires signatures of Chair and Dean.
-updated by Nancy Steinmaus Dec. 2020