President’s Report to the Senate for 11/3/2020

  1. Updates to the CCFT Bylaws and Constitution will be presented to he Council of Representatives next Thursday. The Council will decide if the updates require a vote of the membership.
  2. Both documents explicitly include the role of Chief Negotiator as Chair of the Negotiations committee.
  3. The Constitution is updated to exclude pre-Janus language, puts the PT Chair on a 3 year election cycle like the other officers, and includes a shorter ratification period for non officer elections. It also proposes that future changes to the Bylaws can be approved by the Council of Representatives.
  4. The Council of Representatives will need to decide at their next meeting if these changes are significant enough to warrant a vote by the membership rather than just Council approval.
  5. This is my last Senate report and Greg Baxley will step in at your next meeting. I will be sworn into the Board of Trustees on December 9. I begin Trustee training next week.
  6. Here is our orderly transition of officers:
    1. Greg Baxley begins as President on 1 December
    2. Heather Tucker continues as Vice President and will also be Chief Negotiator
    3. Amy Kayser his been recommended to the Council of Reps to fill the Secretary and Communications Chair
    4. Elizabeth Lobo, Nancy Steinmaus, Tom Patchell and Roland Finger continue in their current positions.
  7. I will need to be replaced on Planning and Budget and the Workload Committee in Spring semester.
  8. The revised office hour proposal will soon go to the District for negotiations.
  9. All of the revised faculty evaluation forms are ready to go to the District for negotiations for use in the Spring semester.
  10. The next COR meeting will be on Thursday November 19. An All-Member meeting will be on Thursday Dec 3. Please plan to attend via zoom.

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