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President’s Report to the Senate for 11/3/2020
- Updates to the CCFT Bylaws and Constitution will be presented to he Council of Representatives next Thursday. The Council will decide if the updates require a vote of the membership.
- Both documents explicitly include the role of Chief Negotiator as Chair of the Negotiations committee.
- The Constitution is updated to exclude pre-Janus language, puts the PT Chair on a 3 year election cycle like the other officers, and includes a shorter ratification period for non officer elections. It also proposes that future changes to the Bylaws can be approved by the Council of Representatives.
- The Council of Representatives will need to decide at their next meeting if these changes are significant enough to warrant a vote by the membership rather than just Council approval.
- This is my last Senate report and Greg Baxley will step in at your next meeting. I will be sworn into the Board of Trustees on December 9. I begin Trustee training next week.
- Here is our orderly transition of officers:
- Greg Baxley begins as President on 1 December
- Heather Tucker continues as Vice President and will also be Chief Negotiator
- Amy Kayser his been recommended to the Council of Reps to fill the Secretary and Communications Chair
- Elizabeth Lobo, Nancy Steinmaus, Tom Patchell and Roland Finger continue in their current positions.
- I will need to be replaced on Planning and Budget and the Workload Committee in Spring semester.
- The revised office hour proposal will soon go to the District for negotiations.
- All of the revised faculty evaluation forms are ready to go to the District for negotiations for use in the Spring semester.
- The next COR meeting will be on Thursday November 19. An All-Member meeting will be on Thursday Dec 3. Please plan to attend via zoom.