Upcoming Elections Spring 2021

I.  Changes to Constitution and Bylaws
II.  Tentative Agreements
  1. Evaluation Forms:  The Instructional, Dean, and Student Evaluation forms have been updated.  The student evaluation form has been revised to be more student-centered.
  2. Online Office Hours:  This change allows 50% of office hours to be synchronous instead of 100%.  This does not need to be regularly scheduled.  Other office hours can be asynchronous.
  3. CMC Faculty Coordinator Position: A lead faculty coordinator will be assigned to CMC and paid a stipend each semester.
  4. Evaluation of Reassigned Time Functions:  This was revised to update The North County Campus Coordinator position (formerly Cluster Coordinator) due to the recent cluster reorganization.
  5. NCC Coordinator Selection Procedure: The NCC Coordinator Selection Procedure was revised to reflect the recent cluster reorganization.
  6. Professional Development Coordinator Reassigned Time: 0.2 FTE reassigned time will be designated for the Professional Development Coordinator position.
  7. Delay Negotiations for Articles 4 and 5: The work hours for Service Faculty (Article 5) and retiree fringe benefit (Article 4) both need more time for CCFT to research and negotiate terms.
  8. Compensation This includes three items:  1.)  A one-time payment of 36 hours at D9 rate for a total of $3226.00 in recognition of the extra work by faculty in supporting students during the pandemic. Temporary faculty and regular faculty on reduced load will receive a prorated amount based on their load in the 2020-2021 academic year, minimum of $300/semester.  2.)  Increase in fringe benefit for both regular and temporary faculty for employee only, two-party, and family rates.  Effective July 1, 2021, part-time faculty with a load between 50 and 74% will receive 60% of the full-time fringe benefit of the enrolled plan.  3.)  Cost of Living Allowance if 1.5% or greater is approved in the Governor’s final state budget.





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